Informationen zu " Te-Ne-Ke"
Mini iambic paddle key

The Te-Ne-Ke ("teeny key")
is an iambic paddle built in West Michigan by members of the North Ottawa Amateur Radio Club.

Designed and patented by Boyd Mason, NE8KE - built by NOARC

Looking for an affordable, portable CW paddle? You've found it!


The paddle contacts are formed from beryllium copper finger stock that provides touch style keying.
It only takes a small amount of pressure to send great CW! The key swings 90 degrees over it’s rugged base
for storage or transport. Then paddles can also be used without the base for those interested in saving weight.
The paddle includes a miniature stereo phone jack to connect to your keyer with a standard (user supplied) patch cable.
This cleverly designed miniature key is rugged and steady enough to be used as your main fixed station key as well.
The key connects to your rig or keyer with a standard 3.5mm audio patch cable.

Dave Ingram (K4TWJ) says:
"The NE KE is the best bet for mobile operations. A terrific paddle."

--YouTube Videos--

Doug Furton -- K8EXB --
demonstrating the Te-Ne-Ke iambic CW key

See the Te-Ne-Ke in use
on Cheyenne Mountain for SOTA!